Photo Credits

Front CoverMacIntyre Witt, Jill. Activist Collage. 2017. Photograph. Private Collection.
Center Image: Clarkes, Lincoln. Change the World Not the Channel. 1995. Print. Word Works Private Collection. 1995. Used with permission.
Inside CoverFleetwood, Seth. Kayaktivist vs. Shell Oil. 2015. Photograph. Private Collection.
iiiAnderson, Paul K. Delegation of Chiefs from the Washington Tribes and Nations, Standing Rock, N.D. 2016. Photograph. Private Collection.
ivMacIntyre Witt, Jill. Protest Angels on Paris Bridge. 2015. Photograph. Private Collection.
ivMacIntyre Witt, Jill. Red Banners and Arrows. 2015. Photograph. Private Collection.
1MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Paddle to Paris Event on the Seine. 2015. Photograph. Private Collection.
2MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Break Free PNW March. 2016. Photograph. Private Collection.
3MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Justice Sunflower. 2016. Photograph. Private Collection.
4MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Transition Together. 2016. Photograph. Private Collection.
5MacIntyre Witt, Jill. I am the Change. 2016. Photograph. Private Collection.
Street Art Image: Climate Justice – Peoples Climate March Photo by Chip Thomas. 2014.
6MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Galvanize. 2016. Photograph. Private Collection.
7MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Lummi and Sarayaku Dance. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
9MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Rising Tides Rising Rents. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
10MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Mother Daughter Artivists. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
12MacIntyre Witt, Jill. People’s Climate March Photo A 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
12MacIntyre Witt, Jill. People’s Climate March Photo B. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
13MacIntyre Witt, Jill. In This House. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
14MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Galbraith Mountain Treasured View. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
15MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Paris Bunker for Change. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
16MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Fossil Free Artivism Hub. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
18MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Ban Fracking Now Rally. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
19MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Painting for Justice. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
20MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Youth March for Climate Justice. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
22MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Divest for our Future. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
22MacIntyre Witt, Jill. There is NO Planet B. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
22MacIntyre Witt, Jill. To Change Everything We Need Everyone. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
22MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Power of the People. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
22MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Justice is Racial Justice. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
22MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Chalk Art for the Climate. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
23MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Strengthening Local Economies. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
24MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Keep it in the Ground. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
25MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Oil, Coal, Gas = Climate Chaos. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
26MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Warrior Up. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
27MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Ocean Inspiration. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
34Anderson, Paul K. People’s Climate March Beginning. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
36MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Change Needs You to Change. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
39MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Justice for All. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
40MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Water is Life. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
41MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Justice Now. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
42MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Justice Tree. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
43MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Stop Talking Start Planting. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
44MacIntyre Witt, Jill. WWU Divest Western Now. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
45MacIntyre Witt, Jill. COP 21 Billboard. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
46MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Happy Rose Message Makers. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
46MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Place to B. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
47MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Stop Climate Crimes. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
50MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Salish Sea Sailing. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
51MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Global March Billboard. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
52MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Protect What You Love. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
54Beccaria, Daniella. Kayaks. 2015. 16 May, 2015. Web. 20 March, 2017.
55MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Poster Girl on Swing. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
56MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Youth Choose Climate Justice. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
57MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Coming Together. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
58MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Quilting for Change. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
59MacIntyre Witt, Jill. It’s Up to Us. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
64MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Save the Youth. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
66Anderson, Paul K. Standing Rock Entrance. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
70MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Campesino Power. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
71Arthus-Bertrand, Yann. ‘100% Renewable Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol’ – Human Aerial Art by John Quigley/Spectral Q. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
72MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Green Jobs=A Healthy Planet. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
74Fairey, Shepard. People’s Climate March. 2014. Web. 21 March, 2017.
75Normandia, Paul. Climate Change Gangsters. 1999. Private Collection. CorpWatch. Transnational Resource and Action Center. 20 March, 2017.
76Krug, Kris. System Change Not Climate Change. 17 December, 2009. Web. 20 March, 2017.
77MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Knows No Borders. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
78MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Defend the Sacred. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
78MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Food Justice Now. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
78MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Resist. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
79Solomon, Joe. Paris Street Actions. 29 November, 2015. Web. 20 March, 2017.
80MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Amy Goodman and Sarayaku Leader. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
81MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Climate Justice. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
83MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Protect the Sacred. 2014. Photo. Private Collection.
84MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Union Workers. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
85MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Resist. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
85MacIntyre Witt, Jill. The Oceans Are Rising. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
85MacIntyre Witt, Jill. El Puente. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
86-87All graphics, photos, and organization logos used with permission.
86McKibben, Bill. The End of Nature. Book Cover. 1989.
86Normandia, Paul. Climate Change Gangsters. 1999. Private Collection. CorpWatch. Transnational Resource and Action Center. 20 March, 2017. Human 350, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 24 October, 2009. Web. 16 May, 2017. Logo-Square. Web. 22 March, 2017.
87MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Forward on Climate. 2013. Photo. Private Collection.
87Kahn Russell, Joshua. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. 2012. Web. 16 May, 2017.
87Jean, James. Winds of Change. 2014. Painting. Private Collection.
87Tobocman, Seth. Flood Wall Street. 2014. Print. Private Collection.
87MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Stop Climate Crimes. 2015. Photo. Private Collection.
87Conatzer, Charles. 17, April, 2015. Web. 20 March, 2017.
87MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Break Free. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
87Democracy Now. 8 September, 2016. Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray. Retrieved from
87Hendrickson, Denise. Washington Monument and Marchers. 2017. Photo. Private Collection.
88Anderson, Paul K. Chief Phil Lane Jr. Speech. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
88Anderson, Paul K. Indigenous Smudging Ceremony. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.
89MacIntyre Witt, Jill. Our Children’s Future. 2016. Photo. Private Collection.

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